The Power of Now
2012/11/05 - Author: Marco Neves - No CommentsNow is the time, the only time you have.
You may think you are a busy person, and that you’ll have time later for the things you want to do, but you don’t.
Or you may think that is it not urgent, that you can do it later, but you can’t.
Later never come. Later will become further apart from you as time passes. You only have now. And now you will not be able to do everything you may want.
Now you can choose any single thing and do it.
Often enough we juggle with several tasks at once, and most of the time the only thing that results from it is that all those tasks continue keeping us busy longer than they should, far longer than they needed to.
Other times we keep doing meaningless tasks, keeping ourselves occupied to avoid getting started with what can really make a difference in our lives.
We know, deep down, what we should be doing, what needs to be done. But we don’t always want to face our fears, we don’t always want to find out if we can indeed be happier if we make that change, we are often afraid of what changes can come from completing a project, from doing the next step toward our dreams, in the direction of our goals.
We can create long lists of things that we would like to do, big and small projects that will make us rich, that will make us famous – and then keep getting small, meaningless tasks in front of those projects – always find good reasons to do something else.
We all have things in our lives that we feel are not perfect, things that we would like to change, places we would like to visit, people we would like to know, words we would like to say, kisses we want to give. And all of us keep saying ourselves that now is not the time, that later it will be better.
But Now is the time. The time we look at all of that and pick one thing – just one – on thing that will make us happier, that remove some pain from our lives, that will get us closer to some goal – and DO IT!
Now is the time to do it. And just for a moment we leave everything else behind. Just for a moment we forget everything else.
Now, not later, not after a coffe or right after smoking, or after checking the email or facebook.
Now! And if now the thing we want to do is get a coffee or check the email, we do it fully, we do it because we believe that it is the one thing that we want to do now, because it is the one thing that can make us a bit happier, because that is the one thing we want to do now!
Now is the time, the only time we have to do what we want, what needs to be done.
If we don’t do it now, we will never do it!
Categories: Produtivity - Tag: now, productivity